■ Camera
The camera produces pictures in .jpg format, and you can digitally zoom up to
eight times.
Take an image
Press the camera key (short key press) to
activate the camera. Press it again to take an
To take another image, select Back; to send the
image as a multimedia message, select
Options >Send. Your phone saves the image in
Gallery > Images.
To auto focus, press camera key halfway down. A white frame appears in the
display. When focusing is finished the frame changes colour to green and the

M e d i a
picture can be captured pushing the camera key fully down. A red frame indicates
that the camera is not in focus. In that case, release the camera button and re-
focus the camera.
The camera flash will be used automatically when you take images in low light
Keep a safe distance when using the flash. Do not use the flash on people or animals at close
range. Do not cover the flash while taking a picture.
To zoom in or out, press the volume key up or down.